Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hawaii part One

The Big Island. Funny name, but I didn't name it. That's where we went first. The first four days we did Volcanos. It was interesting, seeing all of the formations and results from deep inside the earth. We hiked and walked, exactly the type of vacation Tom loves! I don't have any photos to show you from this part of the trip. We had a death in the family while in Hawaii, Tom's hard drive died. He was able to get it replaced in the last third of the trip but we lost the photos I had downloaded up to that point.
So just imagine black rocks, all sorts, big, little, rough, smooth, tall, short, but all black. That is what lava, dried, cooled lava looks like.
We did go to the top of a volcano. The temperature difference was 40 degrees from bottom to top. We were there to use the big telescopes and see the stars. We did and it was ok/neat, but I was so cold. I had taken a coat and a sweater but could have used much more. Also, we had to stay up past my bedtime so this was kindda hard on me too. But I survived. such a trooper.
ok one little adjustment
I remembered I used my phone to take a few photos.

So here is the courtyard of the first place we stayed.

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